Happy Friday, friends!!
Another Friday, another chance to link up with these beauties — [Andrea, Narci and Erica!]
Friday Favorite #1:
Rent the Runway’s excellent customer service. I’ve blogged about RTR quite a few times, and have always had a great experience. This is the first time that something like this has happened to me with their service, and I’m really impressed with how they handled it. I ended up getting a few awesome dresses and I can’t wait until they get here today!
I had ordered the pink one (on the left) and the pearls, but they didn’t have my first size so they sent me the other two dresses for free and sent me a credit for my next order! #bestcustomerservice. Why do I need a dress you ask? Onto #2…
Friday Favorite #2:
I get to see these beauties for Lindsay’s (the blonde!) wedding this weekend! #collegebesties. This picture is of course old because Em was pregnant with that cutie pie B in this picture! I cannot stinkin’ wait to see them and celebrate one of my favorite couples!
Friday Favorite #3:
(Backwards picture because I had to take it on PhotoBooth using my computer, haha!)
This came in the mail yesterday! I got two of them (from MeowMeowHouseDesigns), one for my phone and one for my planner. I joined an Emily Ley planner group on Facebook, and my poor bank account because I just want everything they suggest! Bah!
Friday Favorite #4:
The Kate Spade Surprise Sale is going on and I want every darn thing, but I am resisting. For now. This is for a charm bracelet but I feel like I could manage it onto my key chain. $9?!
I need. I want. #workingonthis
Friday Favorite #5:
#selfie — 2 years and many pounds ago
Recommitting to my health. I got in a vortex of looking at old pictures last night laying in bed and I just got so frustrated and upset. I’m going to talk more about this soon, but let’s just say it’s time!
Friday Favorite #6:
Y’all being so sweet while I try to get back into blogging post-surgery (#1…haha. #2 coming up soon.). These posts are taking me forever to do because I have to do them mostly one-handed, but it’s awesome to feel connected to you all! Thanks for loving on our Fall home tour yesterday!
However, I definitely overdid it yesterday with my hand, and am really sore!! I’m trying to take it one step at a time but I’m glad I’m getting back a little into a blogging groove!
Friday Favorite #7:
Speaking of blogging, I am loving my new header and how awesome Trina was to work with! Y’all seriously need to reach out to her if you’re looking for a facelift on your blog. In my blog survey, some said that the site was “Kate Spade-esque” and y’all. I mean, #youknowthewaytomyheart. Are you digging the new header?
Friday Favorite #8:
And last, but certainly not least, of course a favorite this week is Parenthood! I’m almost done Season 1 and I am for sure in love. I can’t wait to keep watching, and everyone keeps telling me I’ll be bawling my face off by the last season. #alreadyhappenedinseason1!